Oregon Supreme Tea

Welcome to Oregon Supreme Tea. Our brand is now owned by Northwest Tea Mart. It is currently, an online tea store for your convenient shopping. 


What Makes This Brand So special?    


Oregon Supreme Tea blends are made from ingredients grown right here is Oregon.  We have an abundance of fruits, including the richest supply of marionberries in the country.   In countrast to Washington's Finest Tea, we source organic ingredients harvested by local Oregonian farmers. Yet, we do source some rare botanicals and tea leaves from other locations. For example,   Uno de Gato comes from Peru. Pau d Arco comes from Brazil. Mamakii comes from Hawaii.   However, we can proudly say that Oregon is one of the more progressive states, continuously experimenting with the growth of exotic botanicals.  Covering 98,391 square miles of 2 distinct climatic zones (East and West), Oregon has a unique potential for exotic farming.  Our curent tea sections are small for the time being. Enjoy your teatime with Oregon Supreme Tea.